Monday, January 7, 2019

Happy New Year!

Hello & Happy New Year to you all!

How were your holidays? Did you guys
enjoy time with your families? Go on any trips?

Mine was wonderful - My Marine came home and
we got to spend some quality time together -
I miss him already! (inserting Sad Face)
My oldest came home as well, so I had all 3
boys home for Christmas - It really was nice and we
had a 24 hour NO CELL PHONE rule -
So we could spend that time focusing on our family -

It turned out great, then I went to visit my sister
with 2 of my boys and I did
a little shopping with my sister - hung out with
my nieces and great niece & nephews...

Headed back to Vegas to drop my Marine off with
his older brother for New Years - and I headed 
home to organize my craft room and do a few other
things before I headed back to work this past Thursday.

I've got to be honest... I've really enjoyed not being
on my blog, or Facebook this whole time...

I got my Mojo back which I'm thrilled with and now I'm
contemplating on if I should take a longer break
from the internet world... I mean I tried to keep
up with my commenting, so I did use the internet...

But then this past week I haven't because I was
trying to focus on getting organized and making
projects with stuff I already have - So I don't know...

I promised myself that I would not purchase any
new dies or stamps this year - We'll see
how that goes... The only things I am for sure
getting is maybe some Baby & Wedding Stamps/Dies

While organizing my stuff I only found 2 baby stamp sets
and only 1 wedding set... I don't "need" them, but I do sell
my cards at work and they're always looking for Wedding
& baby cards from me... So I will probably invest
in a few of those sets but that's about it - other
than the basics we always use like adhesive &
cardstock for my card bases... :)

While trying to get my Mojo back I decided to use my stamps
& dies that I've purchased over the past couple of years and
haven't used - As you can imagine I have a LOT that
I've never used to this day - so I'm hoping that using these items
will help get my creative juices flowing again - So far it's
working... I managed to create 14 cards in 4 days! Yay Me!

So, even though I have projects to share
I haven't gotten any pictures done yet and don't
know when I'll be sharing them - maybe next week?
Maybe not? I'm still not feeling like blogging...

You guys know it takes a lot of work to do blogs or
videos or post or leave comments on top of everyday life stuff... 
And I just feel drained right now... Not sure how else to explain it...

Sorry for the long rambling... But thought you should know
where I'm standing right now... I will be making my
blog rounds soon, cause I want to continue to support
my crafty friends - It just might be a few more days or
a week from now when that happens...

Just know, I'm thinking of all of you and
hope to be out of my funk soon!!!




  1. Theresa...I can really relate to literally everything you wrote...we have a no cell phone rule too during vacations especially holidays and that is one reason I like to holiday in the jungles as there is always poor connectivity deep in the jungle. As for blogging...oh yes it does take up a loooooot of time and of late I am not able to keep up either. We are all guilty of not using what we buy....I try to stay on top of it by having a separate drawer/box for the "yet to use" dies and stamps and use the freeware Evernote to keep track of my inventory. All the best to you to have a wonderful crafty time in 2019
    Dr Sonia

  2. I am so glad you took some time for yourself. I hot a major funk these past six months. I only felt myself coming out of it this past week and a half. Which explains why I have been blogging and crafting!! Fell better and I look forward to your return!

  3. I totally understand where you're coming from. I'm trying to get organized and also use the stamps and dies I haven't used. Right there with you... Happy New Year!

  4. Good for you! We all need a break sometimes. Crafting seems to follow the same course with many crafters - find something you like, do it, get better, share it, start blogging, follow other bloggers, join design teams, commit to more and more crafting "responsibilities," keep it up as long as you can, it becomes a chore rather than a fun activity, burn out.

    Better to take a step back and just craft for the mere enjoyment of it.

    And as I've said many times, you really don't have to comment on my blog posts, so don't feel guilty about not doing so.

    Your Christmas break sounds just perfect! We had a full house, too, and had so much fun. Glad you got to see all your boys and your sister.


  5. Happy New Year Theresa! Need to follow some of your resolutions. LOL I have way too many stamps that I haven't used. Happy crafting and hope you're back to sharing soon. We love your inspiration!

  6. Happy New Year! I hear you about taking a break. Sometimes all this social media can really be time consuming. I have some good news -- I finally got a new job. I will be starting on January 21st and I'm so excited! I won't have to deal with my crazy boss anymore.

    I also need to get cleaning up my craft room. It is a disaster in there and it makes me not want to go in there. I just get overwhelmed. If I sort my stuff, I'm hoping that will get my creative juices flowing again!

    Have a great week.

  7. Yay, Theresa! Happy 2019 to you as well! Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday season with your family, and I particularly like your phone-free time! A break from the internet is always helpful for my creativity! You go, girl! I'm on a no-spend plan too and I'm sticking to it for sure - just can't afford it with hubby being on disability benefits. We've cut back on all unnecessary spending. Enjoy your time away from the computer and we'll be here for you whenever you come back!


  8. Hi Sweetie!! Happy New Year! So great to hear your holidays were nice!! Glad all your boys got to be home with you, such a great feeling!! I hear ya, sometimes it is so time consuming! Great New Years resolution, last year I made the same. I didn't buy and new dies or stamps last year, just used what I had. I can't believe I did, although I did buy a few stamps for friends, which doesn't count. I was pretty good about using the paper I had too! Although I'm now itching for some new stuff. LOL! I sure hope we see some of your creative projects! I also enjoy seeing what you create. THANKS for the time you take to comment!! It honestly always made my day, so a huge thank you! This year I have told myself I am going to try and be better at sending my creations!! Last year I tried, but didn't go like I anticipated! So I'm hoping this will be the year! HUGS!

  9. Happy New Year.
    You do what you can the Dl.ART Elf Linky antics 12 days of giveaways and challenge drained me. Speaking of check out day 11 or 12. We will see you around blog land soon. I have a few changes on my blog again.

    I love my crafty artsy stuff new and old-- we shall see what happens this year.
    Hugs, My friend may your year be special.

  10. I get it... I was getting the bare minimum done during the holidays and while I missed my craft room it felt good, but even better when I got back in there... I was worried it would be hard to get back to it, but once I got rolling I felt refreshed, BUT I have also made it a goal to use my stuff I haven't used. Beautiful wonderful products I had to have that just sit there... and I'm slowly going through... although I won't go so far as to say I'm not going to buy I have been more selective at least 'til I get through the lonely items in my room and clean some stuff out. I hope you keep blogging at least here and there because I do enjoy visiting you here! Off to see what else I've missed since I've gotten behind. Hugs!!

  11. How wonderful you had time with all your boys! I really need to take a big break to purge & organize, but I always miss my on-line friends! I have cut way back on leaving comments for prizes, though. I'd much rather spend my time creating & I certainly don't need more stuff to organize--haha!

  12. Cell phone rule , what a smart idea . We went down to my sister-in-law's in North Carolina for Christmas . She has four grandchildren so it was a lot of chaos but we had fun . It's hard sometimes to get that mojo working so I am sending you good mojo thoughts .


  13. Hello Theresa! I have missed you! I fell off the face of the earth, trying to find my way back to my craftroom! Sounds like you had a very enjoyable holiday season! I also am trying to find my mojo which I seem to have lost while trying to find myself! Can't wait to catch up! Missed you! Carri ~

  14. Hi there sweet friend! I was wondering where you have been lately so I thought I would stop by to see what's up! I know exactly how you are feeling right now. I had about decided to give up blogging completely and just share my projects on Facebook and IG, and then I made the Craftin Desert Divas DT, I'm back to posting on my blog.

    It's hard to find the perfect balance, isn't it? Your holidays sound wonderful and I know the whole family enjoyed your time together. Ours was a bit chaotic because we are still in our tiny little rental until our house is completed. It was pretty cramped for all the kiddos and we didn't get much together, but promised next year will be better.

    I also need to go on a stamp freeze. My "collection" has really gotten out of hand and I may need an intervention soon! I'm looking forward to seeing what you've been up to when you get ready to post again. Until then, have fun doing what you're doing my friend!

  15. Miss your makes! Just sayin'!

  16. ... and thanks for your visits over at my place!

  17. I’m so glad you had a great Christmas and got to see your boys!! I’m with you, sometimes you need a break to see what you want your next step to be. Sometimes you realize you miss it and love it and sometimes you realize it’s time to do things differently. Life’s short- do what makes you happy! You have a talent and make gorgeous cards, but you get to decide what you want your hobby to look like. Enjoy your crafting, however that looks for you!

  18. Oh Theresa, I can so relate to your feels good to have a break! I think I struggled all last year to post , then I just gave up...the break felt good. I got so organised around my house! Its about you always, take care!


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