Monday, December 2, 2019


Hello and Happy Monday Everyone!
How was your Thanksgiving? 
Mine was wonderful! I had a blast hanging
out with my sister and my nieces - 

We played games and talked (a lot) LOL
I'll get to see them again in a few short weeks
for Christmas time - I'm looking forward to that long break!

Let's just get right into today's project!

Super Quick & Easy Holiday Cards!

I know some of you are procrastinators and that's okay!
This project is perfect for you! You know who you are! (Wink Wink)

These are Digital cards that I created in about 5 - 7 minutes
using my Silhouette program -

The images are from the Silhouette store and I 
just resized them to fit what I wanted - I flipped
one of them to give it a different look -

Once they were printed out I sprayed them with an
acrylic sealer then I die cut the images out with
a stitched rectangle die - I added some fun foam for dimension
then attached them to grey card bases - I adhered a couple
of gems and called it done! 

Have a Beautiful Day!!



  1. Hi Theresa!! Great to hear that you had a wonderful time with your family! Your cards are very pretty!! Love theme both!! Have a great day,

  2. How cool! You made beautiful cards with your Silhouette! Quick and easy, gotta love that!

  3. Beautiful cards! I love how quickly they came together! I'm glad you had a wonderful break with your family!

  4. They look beautiful!
    So glad you had a wonderful week with your sister and her family!


  5. Pretty cards, like the gray card base it really compliments the other colors!

  6. Love these! I don't do digital, but these would be beautiful done with stamps, so I'm pinning them!

  7. So beautiful and nice and flat for mailing too! Love these!


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