Monday, January 13, 2020

You made my day...

Hello Crafty peeps! How was your weekend?
Did you get anything done? Crafting time?
Rest? Baking? Me?

Well... I cleaned my house, got a few more cards
completed, reorganized 923 silhouette files (that was no fun),
did some laundry and had time to talk to my sister & hubby -

My sister went down to the house for a few days to
get started on the land she'll be putting her house on -
She rented a loader (I think) and my hubby
used it to help clear the land on the 1/2 acre -

They needed to get it done before the people come
out to lay the cement pads (She wants 2 pours)
1 for her house & the other for her "She Shed" as she put it! LOL

They also worked on filling in the cracks and holes 
around my future home, which was helpful -
This next week is a 3 day weekend, so I'll be heading down
there to work on the house as well -

Anywho... As I said, I made a couple more cards -
I needed more Thank you cards so I made these -

I was inspired by a card that showed up in my Pinterest feed
& some Floral 3D stickers I had set aside

My son told me he really liked how these cards turned out -
He said he liked the bright colors! What a sweet kid! :) 

Have a Fabulous Day!!



  1. Beautiful cards!
    Have a great day!
    Marilyn ❤️

  2. Beautiful , love the colors .
    Hugs corry

  3. These are gorgeous! And I agree with your kiddo ... I LOVE THE COLORS!!!!

  4. Your cards are so pretty! I love those vertical multi lines. Is that a stamp?

    She shed... love it!

    Enjoy your 3-day off the grid weekend. I'm sure you'll get a lot done. Big big hugs to you!

  5. These are fabulous, Theresa! I love the simplicity and colors. The background looks awesome!

  6. Your son has good taste! They are GORGEOUS! I am in love with these!! Good luck to your sister and woohoo for your dh gettin' to drive the loader! I imagine that's like us in a craft store, LOL!

  7. Very pretty cards! I love the colors and design! Those floral stickers are so gorgeous too!

  8. There’s, I totally agree with your son! Love your cards and the bright colors really make them pop. I hope you have good weather for your weekend projects.

  9. He is a sweet kid. Like mother, like son. Sounds like your whole family is lovely. I wish you the best of luck on the move and all the changes in your life!

    I'd love some screen shots of your Silhouette re-org!! Very pretty cards!


  10. Your card Is so pretty and colourful...your son has good taste.

  11. These are so pretty, Theresa! Is that a stamp for the 3 colours, such a gorgeous design! Love the ink splatters too!

  12. Beautiful cards!! I love the bright colors and paint splatter.
    Have a wonderful day,
    Migdalia's Crafts

  13. These are beautiful! I love the bright colors as well :) Your son has great taste LOL!

  14. These are gorgeous! And yes, he’s a sweet and smart kid!

  15. I love this design, Theresa--just fabulous! Hope things keep progressing with the new place!


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