Friday, October 30, 2020

This Witch Home Decor'

 Happy Friday Crafty Friends!
Are you able to take the little ones out
for Trick or Treating? OR are you trying to be safer
about it this year due to Covid?

Since I don't have any little ones, I'll be staying in -
We live far away from others with children so
no trick or treaters are coming my way -
Our small town is having a Trunk or Treat that everyone
can participate in, but I've got a lot going on still
so maybe next year I'll be able to join in. :)

I still have 2 posts left to share my Halloween projects 
and I want to THANK YOU if you've been checking back ALL week!
I spent an entire evening writing out all the posts
for this week (when my back went out on me)
It took me a while to write them because I had to stop
due to the pain - Don't worry it's better now...
My body was just reminding me to take a break
from all the home renovations, so I DID! :)

Here's another Halloween Home Decor Remake
that I made using a Wooden Witch Hat I found
at a Target Bullseye Section - :)

 I honestly didn't have to do too much to this one -
It was already painted black and has black glitter
around the edges - 
I sanded it a little bit and added some
dry brush white paint - Then I Mod Podged it before
adding my vinyl sentiment that I found in the Silhouette store
The Spider Webs and Spider are dies from My Creative time

This is sitting on my Coffee Bar next to my other Witch Sign I
shared over a week ago - Super FUN & CUTE!

See ya Tomorrow!



  1. We are staying home and not leaving the porch light on ... we are going to stay safe and at home :) I loveeeeeeeee this! So FUN!

  2. Adorable!
    Have a great day!


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