Saturday, November 21, 2020

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

 Hello and Happy Saturday Everyone!
I know it's been a couple of weeks since I posted last -
We have been plugging away and getting the kitchen done -

I really wanted to have it done by Thanksgiving and we are
so Dang Close I can taste it! YAY!
Of course, as with anything we've been doing on this
house we've run into snags here and there -

We have a small section left in the kitchen which should
be completed by this weekend (keeping fingers crossed)

On another good note, my back is so much better, 
but now this past week I've caught a bug!
I've been a bit down and out not able to do too much
around the house -- But as I'm typing this out I am feeling a lot better
than those first few days of catching whatever it was I caught! LOL

I've only had time to create 1 card so I thought I would share it before
November left us behind - :)

It also looks as though I won't get my house completed by the
end of the year deadline we had set for ourselves - I'm coming to terms
with it and will take whatever I can out of it now - My son will
leave after the holidays so whatever is done by that time is what
I'll have to live with and work on the rest of the house
without his help moving forward - 

It'll all work out I'm sure in the end and I can honestly
say I'm totally happy with all the work we've put into this place so far -

I'm super grateful for him and all the hard work
he helped put into this place for us - I'm one lucky MOM!

Anywho - Let me share the card I made using
a beautiful Leaf Stencil from Polka Dot Orchard

I swear if I had more time on my hands I would have totally made 
several more cards with this beautiful stencil - 
I just LOVE it!

I Foiled my card with Copper foiling! I had to take another picture to
see if I could capture it - it looks so pretty
up close and in person!

I tried several times to take a picture showing off the inside as well - 
All Copper foiling inside too... this really is an elegant card! 

Here's what I used on this lovely card -

Copper Foiling, Laser Printer, Laminator,
Fun Foam, Stitched Rectangle Frame Die, Neenah Solar
White Cardstock, Dark Chocolate Cardstock, Distress Oxides in
Spiced Marmalade, Ripe Persimmon, & Fire Brick

Thanks for stopping by!
Have a Beautiful Thanksgiving Week!



  1. So sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well! I loveeeeeeee your card! LOVING the colors!! Feel better soon!

  2. Beautiful card !! I love the pretty foil! I hope that you are feeling better!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Migdalia Rodriguez
    Migdalia's Crafts

  3. Theresa, I'm glad that with all the work you've been doing you've had at least a little time to craft and relax on the computer. Your card turned out so beautiful.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Pretty card! Hope you start feeling better soon. Don't push yourself too much. I always say it will get done when it gets done.
    Have a great day!

  5. Theresa, what a beautiful card, like that stencil! I hope that you continue to feel better and that your home renovations will be done soon. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  6. Hi Theresa! What a beautiful card! I love the blended background and the sentiment is wonderful! Happy Thanksgiving! Take care!
    Rachelle : )

  7. This card is so pretty my friend, I love the sentiment. So glad to hear that you are feeling better.

    Our house won't be finished for Thanksgiving, maybe Christmas? Right now my entire living room is covered with sheet of plastic...sigh.


  8. Hello Theresa!! This card is so BEAUTIFUL!! Love the pretty colors and the sentiment!! I hope you are feeling better!!!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Hello friend! Glad the house is coming along but so sorry you are not feeling well. Hope you are better very soon. I'm still working from home and no end in sight. My brother came down from northern CA for a week and we had a great visit with him. It sure went fast.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  10. I forgot to say that your card is beautiful!!

  11. Love that you're back to foiling, Theresa! I love the look of this unique stencil & the colors you chose! Sorry things haven't gone quite as you hoped, but good to think of how happy you are with what you've done so far! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving & Happy Holidays!

  12. Oh goodness! I've been meaning to pop by for ages and am so embarrassed with the time that's passed! I'm so pleased to read that things are moving forward with the house and that you're happy with the work that's been done. There are always snags with renos, it seems!!

    Your card is so pretty and I absolutely love the sentiment!!

    I do hope you're back to 100% now. Don't do too much and listen to your body and what it needs!

  13. Your card is beautiful!! I’m glad things are moving ahead with your renos, and I hope you got lots done while your son was there! Wishing you a very merry Christmas friend!!

  14. I am not sure how I missed seeing this gorgeous card from last fall, but I did! I absolutely love it! I hope you are doing well and that you were able to make measurable progress on your house before your son had to leave. Have a wonderful day!


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