Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happily Ever After Wedding Card...

Hello and Happy Thursday Everyone!
Well, the week is going by sooo fast!
New Year's day is just around the corner...
Have any of you made Resolutions for the
New Year? ME? Nope... I don't make them
cause I never stick to them! Sooo Why do it if
you're really not gonna try and do it? I guess that's
why I chose not to have any.... All I can do is try to
be the best person I can be and work harder on being
better in the New Year! :o) I did get some time Yesterday
to get my photo downloaded... Sooo I do have another
wedding card for ya! I did see this is my Card Creations
Magazine and Fell in Love with it.... Soooo here it is!

(Click on the Photo to Enlarge the Picture)

I think this is soooo Pretty! The one I seen
was very similar... I changed the embossing cause this
is what I have and my supplies are Stampin' Up...
My ribbon is also different and I added the Silver Hearts
Shape to mine..... My Sentiment is done in my Word Program...
I just LOVE how this turned out... Sooo Elegant....
What do you think? Let me know.... I Love
reading my comments! And thanks for
stopping by to take a look! I guess this
is it for me in 2010!!! My sister should be
posting for you thru the New Year!
I Wish Everyone and Joyous and

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! So elegant!! Beautiful!! I don't make New Years resolutions, either. Happy New Year to you!!! :)


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