Friday, December 31, 2010

Pretty in Pink....

Hello and Happy Friday Everyone!!!
Well this is it! The LAST DAY of 2010!!!
I don't have any wisdom for ya... other than
to say that I wish 2011 is a blessed year for
each and every one of you! And that I hope
you get the most out of the New Year! My
card today.... for the last day of the year is
a wedding card! It is a simple card... :o)

(Click on the Picture to Enlarge the Photo)

You guys are gonna think I'm nuts....
But I can't remember which cartridge
I cut this from... I know it was cut @ 3 1/2"
with the shadow... The Embossing Folder
is Devine Swirls....

(Click on the Picture to Enlarge the Photo)

I decided to take a side view picture
cause I got a new camera for
Christmas.... And I'm hoping it
will help improve my photo shots....
All the Supplies are Stampin' Up!
And I used Dimensionals to pop
up the center cut design....
Well I guess that is totally it
for me in 2010! I'm looking forward to
wonderful things in 2011 and I can't wait to share
what I create with all of you!
Have a wonderful New Year and
if you plan to go out...
Have an AWESOME DAY!!!!


  1. These colors are lovely together. Have fun exploring with your new camera. My husband has been trying to use the new one we bought for our anniversary, but my card pictures haven't been all that great (yet). I am still using my old is easier!

    Happy New Year,

  2. Happy New Year! I'm glad to have found your blog. I'm now your newest follower. I just love your card, it's gorgeous.... TFS
    I would love for you to stop by and visit my blog sometime.

  3. I think it is wonderful! Been loving all of your wedding cards! Happy New Year!! :)


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