Monday, June 1, 2020

Still Moving!

Hello And Happy Monday Everyone!
Wow! It's been a month since I did a post!

As you can all imagine, I've been very busy
since I left my job on April 30th - You guys
knew I was heading into a BIG MOVE and here I am!

I got all packed and on Memorial Day Weekend we
moved the rest of our stuff out of the old place -

Now I have things scattered everywhere! I'm not a 
fan of Clutter and trust me when I say I have Tons of Clutter
right now - I know once we get everything where it needs to be
it'll all work out - but clutter makes me nuts... So I'm trying really 
hard to deal with it as best as I can - 

My sister is still living with us - her house finally arrived
but she has no electricity or plumbing yet - we are really hoping
to get that squared away this week because not only do I have clutter
from my stuff but also from hers... I know she wants to get into her
tiny house asap and I promise to share some pictures very soon -

We have only been able to complete the Dining room, 
Living room and one of the small rooms where Hunter
will be staying in until the end of the year - So I still have to remodel
the master bedroom/bath, the spare room my sister is occupying,
the kitchen/laundry area and another bathroom -

Lots to do and I need to get it all done by the end of the year
since Hunter will be going back to Utah for College - 
He's my Muscle since my Hubby is disabled -
My sister has also been helping us with the remodeling since
she's been living here waiting on her house -

Not only will we be getting her stuff together we should
be starting on the other bathroom - I ordered everything I
need to fancy it up and I will take before and after pictures
when it's completed - 

Anywho - I'm only posting this to keep you guys
updated on what's been going on - I finally (just last night)
made a space to put my computer up temporarily -
I have no craft room and really have no time for crafting at this point -
It's been super HOT (109 degrees) lately so things move a little
slower for us due to the heat - 

I will try and keep you guys updated when I can and
I'm hoping I can stop by your blogs when I get a little
more time to do so - I may hit up a couple a week...
Just letting you guys know I'm still thinking of my
Awesome Crafting Friends!

If anyone is interested in my new address please shoot
me an email at the email address I have listed 
under my picture here on my blog -
Please Put in the Subject Line (New Address Please)
So I'll be able to see it -

Thanks for reading my ramblings... :)




  1. Hello, Theresa! Thank you so much for the update! Sounds like things are progressing along nicely. You are super busy and I feel tired just reading everything you've been doing and still need to do. Keep it up, stay strong and you will get it all done. Looking forward to more updates and photos!

  2. Glad to hear from you. Good luck with everything you are doing! Just take it one day at a time. Look forward to seeing photos of your new place
    Have a great day!
    Marilyn ❤️

  3. I’ve been thinking of you and wondering how you’re doing! It sounds like you’re definitely busy, but it will be so nice once everything is complete!! And you will definitely appreciate getting back to crafting when you finally have it all in order!! Thanks so much for the update :) Big hugs!

  4. Glad all is ok with you!! Can't wait to see all the changes!!

  5. Wow Teresa, you have been busy! Want me to come help you organize? I love putting things in order, LOL.

    We are having work done on our house, they say it will take 3 months to complete, luckily, we are paying a contractor for the work!

    Thanks for letting us know how you are doing!


  6. I had been wondering how things were going for you & then you left me a comment. Glad things are progressing, but can only imagine the stress with so much to do to get it how you want. 109 would be completely unbearable for us, but it's good not everyone wants to live where we do--haha! Wishing you the best, Theresa!

  7. I hope all is still going well with you! Moving is not something for the faint of heart, for sure! I miss seeing you in the crafty world and hope that you will be back at it in the near future. Hugs!

  8. It sounds like you have your hands full! Thanks for the update! You have been missed :) Best of luck in getting your house to where you need it to be and hopefully soon you will be able to start crafting again soon. Take care my friend and I look forward to seeing pics of your crafty creations again. Hugs, Tina

  9. Wow congrats on the new home. I have been missing you to. I will be emailing you soon
    Hugs Diana


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