Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 4 Blogaversary and a Card!

Hello and Happy Tuesday Everyone!
This is going to be a very busy week
for me... Besides giving away fun
Cartridges all week I have to make 16
graduation cards for my card swap on Thursday...
And I still need to make a couple of Graduation
cards for my son and some family members who
are also graduating this next week... not to mention
some birthdays that are coming up next week to!
And a nice Teacher Gift for my sons Teacher which
is due by Friday! Sooo yup I have a busy week! LOL
I hope you are all enjoying the cartridges I'm giving away.... :o)
I want to say "THANK YOU" to everyone who left a comment
yesterday for my mom.... I LOVED the Card she made
for the Guest Designer Spot and I'm so glad all
of you did too! :o) Today it's just little ole' me! :o)

Card Stock, Ink, Stamp, Oval Punches, Border Punch - Stampin' Up
Designer Paper - Bo Bunny
Cartridge - Nifty Fifties (Truck) Cut @ 2"

Here is a side view to show the dimension on the
trucks tail end... and I popped up the tires too!
This was a Fun, Simple Masculine card to make....

I'm putting this into the challenge over at:

Birthday Sundaes - Make a birthday card and include at least 3 circles

Now... Onto the next part... the GIVEAWAY!!

That's right! We are having a giveaway everyday for
7 days!!!! In Celebration of our 1 year Blogaversary!!

We will be giving a cartridge away everyday so
make sure you come back and sign up!

Cricut Cartridge: Hello Kitty Greetings

Hello Kitty Greetings Cartridge

Yup... you have a chance to win this Fabulous cartridge

by leaving only 1 comment on this post! And....
You MUST be a Follower! That's it!
Easy Peasy! Now you can tell your friends
about the giveaway if you'd like but please.....

Just 1 comment only....

I hope you enjoyed today's card and
Thanks so much for stopping by to say Hi!
I'll be back tomorrow with another fun
cartridge and a project!
Have an AWESOME DAY!!!


Melissa said...

Yes you do have a busy week, It's hard for me to just make about 5 cards in a week!!! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful card and a chance to win!

mzcherub2009 at att dot net

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

jcinokc said...

Love your card. Good luck on the challenge. Thanks for the chance to win!

jenlovcarr at aol dot com

Sara said...

What a busy week! Thanks for sharing your card, and thanks again for another chance to win!!!

Janeen said...

Love your masculine card! Good luck with all your projects this week! Would love to see all the finished projects! Happy Blogaversary! :)

majelica at comcast dot net

thekolbes said...

Ohh I love this card and what a great use of 3 circles. K Andrew is having a retro dad card challenge this would go good in too. I am so excited about the cricut cards as I have none of the ones you are giving away so far. Thanks again
krazykcrafters at msn dot com

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

So cute! I love the paper you used on this!

Leanne said...

Wow! Your week is going to be super, super busy hee hee! I love this card! Such a great masculine card which I find sometimes to be really hard to do! Thanks for the chance to win this cartridge! I'd love to have it! Hugs, Leanne
Tobusyscrapping at bellsouth dot net

Melissa said...

I love Bo Bunny and right away when I saw that paper I was like "oooooooo"! I've never seen that Bo Bunny paper before and now I want it! Love the card!


Anonymous said...

You do have a busy week. :) Such a great card !! I'm a new follower. Thanks for this chance to win. My children would love for me to win this cartridge ! ( ME TOO :) )

jessica said...

I love your card!! That paper is awesome!!
You sure are a busy girl!! Good luck with all your projects :)

Trinity said...

you did a great job on the card and really like the paper that you used also. Thanks for another chance to win...have a great day :)

Tamara said...

Very cute card! I've gotten so many great guy card ideas from blogs lately! :)
sweetheartcopper at msn dot com

Shauna Carlson said...

I love your masculine card. I have a hard time making these cards. You really do have a busy week. Good Luck!!

Wendy said...

That's a great masculine card, and we all seem to struggle with making masculine cards! Thanks for the inspiration!
Wendy T.

Tanya~Studio 5380 said...

Well...little ole' you did a great job on this card! That's a great guy card...the kind I always have trouble with. Love the way you got those 3 circles in there...very clever!

karen rae said...

I want to thank all of you who left such wonderful comments on Monday. Also thank you MiMi and Theresa for asking me to do this. It was such great fun!!! Keep up the awesome work!
Your mom.

Sharon said...

Awesome! Hubby has a birthday at the end of the month and this would be just perfect for him. I'm pulling my cart out and checking into this cut. Would go great with his pickup! I just don't know how you get everything done that you get done!! My head was spinning just reading about everything you have to do!!! :)


Love the card so manly!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
sierrababy08 at hotmail dot com

Jodie R said...

What a cute card!! It reminds me of a truck we used to have growing up! I love it!

Jodie R on Circle MB

Vivi Martínez said...

Beautiful male card! I love your take on the Birthday Sundaes Challenge for this week. Thanks for playing with us and congrats on your Blogaversary.

terri142 said...

Great card. I love seeing ideas for masculine cards.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

Rachel said...

New follower here!

Ooo, that's a busy week! Last week I had to make a birthday card for my other brother and a graduation card for my cousin. Just those 2 made me feel busy! I guess I still need practice to get used to being able to do a few cards at once. I'm still learning.

I like your card because most of my cards are girly and glittery. I had to stop and think about what to do for my brother's card! I know I don't see masculine cards as often, so thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the opportunity to win the cartridge! I still have that one on my wishlist because I read somewhere that the layers are easy to work with.

Now I'm off to look at all your past projects! Thanks for the inspiration!

Beth said...

Great card. I really like that one.

Thanks for the chance at another great cartridge.

baby.cowgirl88 at yahoo dot com

Mom of 2 Monsters said...

Love your boy card. I find masculine cards are so hard to make. TFS.

Kris said...

Cute card. Thanks for a chance to win.

Brenda said...

Wow, you do have a busy week. I love this card. The truck is really cute. Thank you for the chance to win a great cartridge.


Lara said...

Even though I'm a newcomer... I'm loving your blog already. Super cute card... perfect for my dad or hubby, thanks for sharing. Thanks for the chance to win these great cartridges. :)


Amanda said...

I love that card. The truck is just perfect!

And, I must say...pick me, pick me!! I have wanted that cartridge forever and I can't seem to get it for a low enough price!

Amanda (als1048@gmail.com)

Josie0602 said...

That card is so adorable!! I love that truck!

Scrappin Rabbit Designs said...

Great Card! I love that paper. Thanks for the chance to win. Still trying to play catch up. Glad to hear you got the goodies. :)


Lisa said...

That card is so adorable! The truck is so cool and I just love the background paper! Thanks so much for sharing :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for showing your cards and for the chance to win.
Sharon (scrappyone)

Cricut Couple said...

Such a great job! Love the little truck and the colors are just fantastic! TFS!!! cricut couple at gmail dot com

shasta said...

Your blog is FUN!
I would REALLY REALLY like to have this cartridge!

Carol D.

Dana said...

Love the card! Those old trucks are my favorite! Such classics!


Karen S. said...

Great card! Thanks for the chance to win this cartridge!

karenskapin at yahoo dot com

Brenda said...

I love your card! YOu sure sound like one busy crafter! Thanks for the chance to win this cartridge.

Blue6366 said...

I hear ya on the graduation cards - I just finished making the ones I needed to get done for an order.

Great job on your birthday card.

SillySilla said...

Hey!! Stopping by!!!! I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed on this one!!!!!
I love this idea!!!! Great Job Ladies

Got2BCrafting said...

Another fabulous card!! I really love how that truck came out! The DP you used is awesome... I never met a piece of Bo Bunny paper I didn't like! LOL! :)
Thanks for such a fun week of giveaways and inspiration!

Cammie said...

This is awesome

vee m. said...

Cool card. I'm always looking for guy card ideas.

Mary said...

Adorable card!! TFS

stockg7 at yahoo dot com

Cassandra said...

Cute card! And YAY for Hello Kitty! Hope your having a good blogaversary week :)


Totally Purple said...

Cute card. I have trouble making male cards but this is cute.

Thanks for a chance to win!


Dreama said...

Darling card! I had to laugh
when I first saw it though because my EX had a dark green truck like that (wheel on the side). I didn't like it THEN but I love this diecut...so cute. Thanks for the memory.lol
dreama 1947 at yahoo dot com

Penny said...

I love the truck on your card. Thanks for a great blogaversary giveaway.

pennyspad at sbcglobal dot net

Doodlebugs said...

HK is one of my favorites I wish it has the twin stars they are just as cute


Brandy said...

Love the card!! Very nice!! It does sound you have a very busy week!!! Have fun making all of your cards!!! Thank you for the chance to win!
Brandy- lilmunchkin320@sbcglobal.net

KTbirdiegirl said...

Cute card! Very creative use of the three circles. Good luck with your challenge!
kathrynt at totalnet dot us

Sukie said...

I am a long time follower of yours, congrats on your blogaversary. I love your card and all of your creations, I find them to be very inspiring!


Yvonne said...

Great card. Seen some awesome cards made with Nifty Fifties.

Anonymous said...

Super cute card... My dad had a Ford just like that one when I was little...lol
same color too!!! lol... Thanks for playing along at Birthday Sundaes...HUGS...SK :)

Grace Baxter said...

Another really cute card! I'm not familiar with this cart but since your card turned out so great, I'm gonna check it out!


Ms. Daiquiri said...

Fun card... love the colors you used!! And always nice to get ideas for guy stuff.


Looks like my dad's old chev...great card
Rebecca Minor

StefanieH said...

Very cute, love your card. TFS.

Aman said...

I love your card! I need to use that cart! Congratulations on your blogaversary.

amanbains1 at gmail dot com

hilda'scraftylounge said...

I love this card Rarely do i see a manly card I think this would be great for Fathers Day also TFS

AmyJRockstar said...

Oooh I just love that card! The colors and papers are fantastic! Thanks for the chance to win this cartridge. I'd love to have it for my collection!

Amy Jo (new follower)
amyjrockstar at gmail dot com

littlen said...

very nice card. tfs.

jennyplace2 said...

Oh what a cute card. I just got this cartridge the other day and I am just dying to try the old car cuts. Thanks for the chance to win.

Kate said...

This is wonderful, Theresa! I love the way you used tires to complete the circle challenge. What a clever idea!
Best of luck with all the projects you need to get done. At least they're fun projects!!

Deniece said...

Cute card! And thank you for giving us a chance to win such a cute cartridge,

nancy said...

Very fun card--I love it and I love the 50s. Thanks for the chance to win a cartridge----Nancy mtbootleggerz@msn.co

CathyinMN said...

Great card for a guy, even a little boy would like it if he likes cars and trucks. Thanks for the chance to win this cute cart.
tcsobotka at charter dot net

Sherrie K. said...

Great card and love the retro paper. Good luck in the challenge and thanks for sharing....you've been a busy girl!
Sherrie K

motherloves3 said...

Love the truck on this card! TFS
motherloves3 at hotmail dot com

A Country Twinkle said...

Love the old looking truck card. Very cute!

acountrytwinkle at verizon dot net

Tara said...

Great card! Love the fun colors! Thanks for joining us at Birthday Sundaes this week!

Alannah said...

I know how you feel!!! I have a few graduation cards my self... and a congratulations on your new job card to make.... man... it is going to be a busy week alannahmae at gmail dot com

Kelly Braund said...

Very nice, I love that patterned paper it's so fun!

MulticrafterAmy said...

I love the paper you choose for this card! Thanks for a chance to win!
amywooten2010 at gmail dot com

Pat N. said...

Your card is adorable. Thanks for a good idea and for your terrific giveaways!!--Pat N.

Scrapnlu25 said...

Cute Card!!! thanks for the giveaways!!!

Mrs. Green said...

I keep being amazed by the cuts on this cart - they just keep coming!

michelegreen120 at gmail dot com

Nan said...

It's nice to see handmade masculine cards. NICE card!

IRW Dana said...

Love the truck on this card. THe paper is so fun too. Thanks for sharing.
papermemories4u @ yahoo .com

jjlarson said...

Super cute card! We had a truck like that growing up. We squeezed 5 of us in it anytime we went any where.
Jami Larson

Anonymous said...

Very nice, I am partial to this type of card.

Melanie Mason said...

Great card! My family is big on trucks - so that is always my fall back!

Thanks for the chance to win! Best of luck all around!


bird said...

I love the card thanks for sharing...

Scrappin with the bug said...

Wow I am just loving your cards. Great job. Thanks for sharing.


terri_ski at yahoo dot com

Jess (aka Sparksgal) said...

Congrats on your blogaversary! Love the cards - TFS!

ncscrapper77 (at) gmail (dot) com

chignon said...

The truck turned out fantastic, and the card is great too! TFS!!

Wendy said...

Love the card. Might "borrow" the idea for one of my nephews.

ibecircled.blogspot.com said...

I love my nifty fifty cartridge!! The truck is so cute!! TFS!!!

il;ovetonkinese2 at hotmail dot com

Laura said...

Well, Father's day is next up......

Handsome card...love the truck.
deepabyss100 at hotmail dot com